Needs Assessment: During project design phase, time, resources and effort are invested to define needs, explore opportunities, analyze project environment, cultivate relationships, build trust, develop partnerships, and define the high-level framework for the intervention. Needs assessments validate that the need exists and is a priority for the community, key stakeholders and project participants. The assessments inform the parameters of the project through the data generated by the stakeholders. Scruples focuses on one or more dimensions of needs depending on the requirements; i.e., felt, expressed, normative and comparative, depending on the assessment requirements, from a gender, diversity and inclusion perspectives. Scruples has the capacity to conduct needs assessments in the sectors including but not limited to Protection, Sexual and Reproductive Health, Water Sanitation and Hygiene, Shelter and Settlements, Food Security and Livelihoods.
Gender Analysis: Gender analysis informs humanitarian and development response planning. Built up progressively, it is the systematic attempt to identify key issues contributing to gender inequalities. The gender analysis process, with reference to CARE guidelines, explores how gendered power dynamics lead to discrimination to subordination and exclusion in society particularly when overlaid across other areas of marginalization due to class, ethnicity, age, disability, sexuality, etc.
Evaluation: Scruples recognizes evaluation as a means through which systematic and meaningful feedback about the successes and shortcomings of endeavors by a given project and/or program. With reference to USAID, Scruples generates information analysis that prevents mistakes from being repeated, and that increases the chance that future investments will yield even more benefits than past investments. Scruples conducts project, program or meta evaluations in the sectors including but not limited to Protection, Sexual and Reproductive Health, Water Sanitation and Hygiene, Shelter and Settlements, Food Security and Livelihoods. Scruples also offers evaluation of an intervention from the perspective of gender and resilience markers. Scruples selects the most convenient methodologies for the evaluations depending on the scope of the intervention and available data as well as the objectives of the evaluations.
Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (MEAL) Capacity Assessment: Humanitarian and development organizations prioritize capacity, processes, and systems. MEAL Capacity Assessment allows a project/program team to examine where they lie in terms of their MEAL capacity, resources and support. Scruples has experience and expertise in reviewing organizations’ existing MEAL systems in a systematic way and propose actionable recommendations for areas identified for improvement.
Result-Based MEAL Systems Design: Scruples is well-versed in developing strategic documents (SoPs, guidelines, cheat sheets etc.) and operationally designing MEAL systems to streamline ho exactly a project and team will carry out MEAL in each context and in synergy with the nature of the implementation. Guided by following steps, Scruples establishes a MEAL system through (1) defining the results, (2) establishing indicators, (3) determining data collection terms and conditions, (4) developing MEAL frameworks (5) articulating risks and assumptions, (6) designing the tools, (7) setting the data management system, (8) creating analytical frameworks for meaningful examination of the trends in the data and its interpretation, (9) setting a visualization system through digital solutions and (10) identifying paths and mechanisms to foster adaptive management and use the learning to continuously inform decision-making.
Setting Feedback Mechanisms: Scruples recognizes that affected communities influenced by any intervention have the right to voice their opinions and raise their complaints and, thereby, to participate in developing the interventions. With reference to the Accountability to Affected Populations framework, Scruples works towards increasing communities’ influence on decision-making practices that affect their lives. Through rapid accountability exercises, community consultations, capacity assessments and in line with the scope of intervention, Scruples offers designing appropriate feedback and response mechanisms with accessible channels targeting people with diverse characteristics on class, ethnicity, age, disability, sexuality, etc.
Proposal Writing: Scruples has strong familiarity through its working experience with the leading funding agencies including but not limited to USAID (including BHA, BPRM, and DRL), FCDO, GFFO, BMZ, GiZ, EU, UN Agencies, etc. problem statement, intervention logic, theory of change, log frame design, stakeholder engagement, budgeting and MEAL planning are some of the services provided by Scruple during the process.
Data Collection: With reference to the data quality standards of USAID, Scruples is providing both qualitative and quantitative data collection service for its partners. Through its automated and AI-integrated digital solutions, Scruples ensures timely, accurate, complete, consistent, valid, and unique data. While data quality is a top priority for Scruples, it implements strict measures for confidentiality and data protection to ensure safeguarding of the responders as well as the data collected.
Learning Reviews: Organizational learning requires continuous assessment of organizational performance, looking at successes and failures, ensuring that learning takes place to support continuous improvement. The learning review is a simple process used by a team to capture the lessons learned from past successes and failures with the goal of improving future performance. Scruples – with its technical experts on board – supports organizational learning processes at project, program or sectoral levels through learning review or after-action review service provision.
Capacity Building: Scruples provides technical skills training for humanitarian and development actors, on areas including but not limited to gender transformative MEAL, Protection, Gender, Disability Inclusion, Sexual and Reproductive Health, Water Sanitation and Hygiene, Shelter and Settlements, Food Security and Livelihoods.
Research: Through well-versed technical experts, Scruples conducts research in various topics including but not limited to Protection, Gender, Disability Inclusion, Sexual and Reproductive Health, Water Sanitation and Hygiene, Shelter and Settlements, Food Security and Livelihoods. Through its expertise in diverse qualitative and quantitative research methodologies, Scruples offers the best quality data collection, analysis, and interpretation of the data as well as presentation and reporting of the research study in an audience-tailored manner.