
External Evaluation of Emergency Response Programme

SOS Children’s Villages International commissioned an evaluation of their programme titled “Emergency Response to the War in Ukraine.” The evaluation was conducted by Scruples Research and took place from April to September 2023. It was carried out in partnership with implementing partners (Pomogaem, Ukrainian Education Platform, Volonter, Nehemiah, lovyanske Sertse, Ukrainske Zhinotstvo, and Convictus.). This evaluation has assessed how much the programme has achieved its outcomes and objectives. The evaluation also assesses the contribution of SOS Children`s Villages Ukraine and its implementing partners (IPs) to overall programme outcomes. Besides, the evaluation documents the lessons learned, and good practices identified during project implementation and provide recommendations to inform future programming.

Client: SOS Children’s Villages International

Date: (April 2023 – September 2023)

Country: Ukraine: Kyiv, Lviv, Poltava